
In order to meet the challenges brought forth by the market dynamics, we make use of the latest techniques of production and state-of-the-art machinery. Our weaving looms are latest in the market and automatic weaving technology for better quality production and less human error High grade raw materials and yarns are used for the manufacture of high quality products. These modern machines help to complete the bulk orders in least possible lead time. We have state of the art infrastructure.
Our manufacturing plant consists of spinning units, weaving units, finishing plant .A team of experienced professionals and strong work force is our asset. Proper compliance is assured in the manufacturing premises for the employees and as per government Guidelines Their skill, commitment and loyalty have contributed in no small measure to the pre-eminent position we enjoy in the industry. Due to the advantage of composite unit and in-house activities from manufacturing to packing and delivery, we enjoy the benefits of being the most quality assured product manufacturer. Our company follows international quality standards, which adds the quality and management.